Saturday, March 7, 2020

Effects of Atomic Bomb essays

Effects of Atomic Bomb essays When the crew of the Engola Gay took off just before dawn on the morning of August 6, 1945, they carried with them a cargo that would change history and the lives of millions. The bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima, and the attack on Nagasaki three days later, brought World War II to a staggering end. While these attacks brought peace, they were also two of the worst human-caused disasters, causing millions of lives to be put in jeopardy. Millions of children were born with abnormalities, people lost their families and homes, total cities were wiped out. These bombs caused massive destruction and will be remembered for eternity. Fujio Tsujimoto was a five year old Japanese boy. He was at school on August 6, 1945 playing with his classmates on the playground, when a plane flew overhead. He and his grandmother dove deepest into a nearby shelter just as Fujio saw a bright FLASH and was thrown against the wall of the shelter. After a while he looked up out of the shelter to see bodies lying everywhere, most of which were dead. The wounded that could move pulled themselves into the shelter, as it filled quickly. His brothers and sisters soon found their way into the shelter, and eventually so did his mother. But his father never appeared. Bloody bodies lay all around him. They all eventually died from the exposure to the radiation. Imagine losing your home, family, and your life in the flash of a light! The author of Children of the Atomic Bomb, Dr. Yamazaki, had served as a combat surgeon and in 1949 was assigned as Physician in charge of the United States Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission. He contributed major aide, to the victims in Japan and he was also able to gain a lot of knowledge about these victims suffering. He went back in 1989 and he attended a meeting to interview the mothers of pica babies. Pica referred to the blinding flash of the atomic bomb and the radiation poisoning resultin...

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